Running a business in California is a dream. California sustains the world’s 9th largest economy and boasts millions of acres of coastline, rivers, estuaries, bays, and lakes. To keep the dream alive, California Coastkeeper Alliance created the Blue Business Council to unite businesses in protecting California’s most threatened and vital capital – our waters.
The Blue Business Council serves as a platform for California Coastkeeper Alliance, local Waterkeepers, businesses and business associations to partner around issues of common interest—from healthy oceans to water flows for fish.
California Coastkeeper Alliance and Blue Business Council members have identified water scarcity and trash pollution as key issues where business voices, policy advocacy, and good corporate citizenship can make a real difference in 2015.
How Your Business Can Make a Difference in Orange County
As California enters its fourth year of drought, it seems like these hotter and drier conditions could become the standard climate. The Blue Business Council strategically plans engagement with local Orange County businesses to:
- Ensure that state funds are dedicated to wise strategies that promote water conservation, stormwater capture and water recycling within our community.
- Promote the re-established drought emergency declaration to Orange County communities and businesses.
Trash pollution in our waters is a major problem in California and has a large effect on coastal cities such as Orange County. California has no statewide ordinance on how local governments should handle trash flows in waterways and oceans. The Blue Business Council works to:
- Lead local communities in adopting sustainable practices
- Influence policymakers
- Encourage the “Reduce-Reuse-Recycle” motto to communities across the state
With the help from Orange County’s local businesses and corporations, the Blue Business Council could have a large impact on Southern California’s water resources. Please help Orange County Coastkeeper and the rest of the California Coastkeeper Alliance protect the state’s most valuable natural capital – water.
For more information please visit the Blue Business Council website. Interested in becoming a member? Contact Orange County Coastkeeper.