Coastkeeper launched its first extension organization, Inland Empire Waterkeeper, in 2005. After watching that organization blossom into the leading clean water advocate of its community, the Coastkeeper staff thought up the next area in need of a Waterkeeper: the Coachella Valley desert.
Wait… There Is Water in the Desert?
Yes! The Whitewater River serves as a critical water resource that replenishes the Coachella Valley aquifer—a drinking source for 400,000 people, including the reservation for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla people, and 66,000 acres of farmland.
How Will Waterkeeper Help the Desert Community?
For far too long, the river and aquifer have suffered from a legacy of poor development practices, overuse, and pollution. Coachella Valley Waterkeeper will address these complex water-based issues through five main programs: education, advocacy, restoration, conservation, and enforcement.
Where Can I Learn More?
Check out the Coachella Valley Waterkeeper website to learn more about the organization’s programs and get involved.